Sunday 3 May 2015

MUA Primer and Life Update

Now I've wanted to upload this for a while but as always, life gets in the way! I've been currently applying for apprenticeships and I think I may have found one in the lovely Ash Hairdressing in Llandudno. I had my trial day for them yesterday and it went amazing, I was always busy, cleaning up or getting customers coffee or answering the phone and I was a bit exhausted by the end but I enjoyed working hard! And everyone I worked with are so nice! They’re friendly and answered any questions I had! They’ve asked me to come back again on Thursday to see how I do on a 10 hour shift (9am-7pm) shift and if I do well on that I think I’ve got the apprenticeship, wish me luck!!

So anyway on to the review! Now I've been using the Baby Skin primer from Maybelline since before Christmas, it hasn't run out but it's on it's way so I wanted to pick up a back up just in case but sadly I don't have £8 (£7.99) to spend on another one at the moment so I needed to find a cheaper alternative. 
I have a few go-to brands that carry my Holygrails of makeup, for exampl, Avon (not all of it cheap but there is some absolute gems that won't break the bank) Collection, Miss Sporty and Natural Collection. I always go to these brands if I need a new mascara or concealer or powder if they run out towards the end of the month when money is getting tight. 
So when I went shopping and I couldn't get to boots, superdrug was a no brainer for me to go to and I decided to try out a new makeup brand whilst I was there, MUA has always gotten good reviews so I figured I would jump on the Bandwagon and try it out and I was pleasantly surprised. 
I originally only went in for a new bronzer and eyeliner. And found a lovely Gel Liner in the shade Underground for £3 and I can safely say I have not used a black pencil liner since! Also I got a bronzer for £1 which I now use everyday, it comes in three shades and sadly I had to get the darkest shade because it was the one one with a matte finish, the other two look like they have glitter in them and I prefer matte finish products but it's blendable so it's all ok. 
And on impulse I bought this primer, I just saw it an was like "it's so big and it's £4 I need this" and bought it before I could change my mind. 
I like the packaging, it's simple and pretty and has a twist off lid, the dispenser is pretty small so you can control how much product you get out which is always a bonus. 
The product itself is just plain white, it's a thin texture, like a very light moosturiser and I won't lie to you, it smells a bit like glue and this honestly put me off using it, I'm used to my Baby Skin, it's a thick product with no smell or colour but! But! When I applied it to my skin it was cool and soothing, much like a moisturiser and the smell faded as it soaked into my skin, I thought it would be sticky because it's such a thin product but it's not, it smoothes over skin leaving it looking fresh and honestly, this is now my go to primer, not my Baby Skin, it's not as heavy or sticky, it doesn't wear off, it's light, lil you're not wearing it at all and leaves my skin so soft throughout the day. 
I would definitely recommend 

Sorry this was such a long post, but I hope it was helpful. 