Saturday 28 February 2015

About me

Hey there, so for my first blog post I decided it'd be a good idea to tell you a little bit about me and what sort of things I'll be blogging about. 
There's not really anyway you can know if you'll like a blog until you know something about them right?

Well, my name is Alis (A.k.a Ali, Al, Mermaid or Hobbit) and I'm 16. 
I'm a hair dye enthusiast and an eyeliner addict... What can I say? I feel more comfortable with rainbow hair an heavy eye makeup and although my hair is natural now, you can guarantee it'll change colour soon. 

As a person who drowns her hair in chemicals (and a teen with acne prone skin) I spend a lot of time finding good skin an hair care products as well as makeup that takes care of skin. 
I'm also a teen on a budget (like every other teen right?) so I also buy affordable clothes as well as beauty products. 

So if you feel you're like me, this blog will be good for you!

Until next time,
Alis x